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DLight kaleidoscope

DLight is a lamp and 2 kaleidoscopes in one item.

In front there is a bouquet of roses hand painted and on the reverse side there are various flowers created by gluing together Swarovski crystals. The lamp shade is mounted on a bearing that makes it possible to rotate it to view different areas of it through the kaleidoscopes.

There are 2 different designs for the shade, one has a large bouquet of roses, and the other has 3 small bouquets of roses, the Swarovski decoration on the reverse side is generally the same on all 4 of them, although each one being individually decorated will differ from all the others.

The 2 flashlights are necessary to create interesting images on the Swarovski side of the lamp. One of the kaleidoscopes is a 2 mirrors and the other is a 3 mirrors equilateral.

All cast brass structure, uses regular light bulbs. From eye piece to eye piece it measures 28" long x 24" high x 7" wide, the lamp shade is 8" diameter and it is decorated by hand. This is an edition of 4.

\DLight mandalas
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